Biographical Sketch
ROY A. JENSEN ( 352-475-3019
B.A. [Majors:
Psychology and Biology] Ripon College;
Ripon, WI *Phi
Beta Kappa 1954-1958
Ph.D. [Biochemistry
and Genetics] M. D. Anderson
Hospital & Tumor Inst.; Houston, TX/jointly with the
of Texas; Austin, TX
*Predoctoral Fellowship: NIH 1959-1963
University of Washington
School of Medicine; Dept. of Microbiology; Seattle, WA
*NIH Postdoctoral Fellow and
Research Instructor with Eugene W.
Nester 1964-1966
State University of New York
at Buffalo; Dept. of Biology; Buffalo, NY
Assistant Professor 1966-1968
Baylor College of Medicine;
Dept. of Microbiology; Houston, TX
Professor *NIH Career
Development Award 1968-1973
M. D. Anderson Hospital &
Tumor Institute; Dept. of Biology; Houston, TX
Professor 1974-1976
State University of New York
at Binghamton; Dept. of Biology; Binghamton, NY
Professor 1976-1986
University of Florida; Dept.
of Microbiology & Cell Science; Gainesville, FL
Professor 1986-2000
University of Florida; Dept.
of Microbiology & Cell Science; Gainesville, FL
Professor 2000-present
University of Chicago; Dept.
of Computer Science; Chicago, IL
(part time) 2007-present
U. S. Atomic Energy
Commission/Energy Development Administration/Dept. of Energy; Germantown, MD
Biologist for Biomedical Programs 1973-1976
Center for Somatic-cell
Genetics & Biochemistry; SUNY at Binghamton; Binghamton, NY
Director 1976-1986
Biomedical Research Support
Grant SUNY at Binghamton;
Binghamton, NY
Director 1978-1986
MetaGene Corporation (a
biotechnology company working on novel herbicides and antimicrobials active
against phytopathogenic bacteria); Progress Park; Gainesville, FL.
President 1987-1997
R. Jensen has received
research funding for a career total of more than eight million dollars from
many of the major granting agencies, including NIH, NSF, DOE, NASA and USDA.
“Novel Method and
Compositions for the Selective Control of Weeds, Pest and Microbes” 1994
R. Jensen has published more than 225 research articles and reviews in the major journals of biochemistry, microbiology, genetics and evolution.
Delineation of
the regulatory mechanism named Sequential Feedback Inhibition in Bacillus
subtilis was one of the
early findings indicating that alternative patterns of allosteric control
existed in nature for the control of branched biochemical pathways. Comparative
work in the Jensen Lab has since demonstrated a variety of allosteric control
patterns in bacteria and in plants.
Formulation of the “Recruitment Hypothesis” (also called the “Patchwork Hypothesis”) in 1976 is frequently cited as a credible mechanism for differential specialization of homologous proteins and the expansion of metabolic repertoires.
Discovery and
proof-of-structure of L-Arogenate (first named pretyrosine) was accomplished
using a cyanobacterium, where it was demonstrated as a precursor of L-tyrosine. It was later shown to be a precursor of
L-phenylalanine (or of both amino acids) in certain other organisms.
The nature of
pathway diversity for phenylalanine and tyrosine biosynthesis at the
enzymological level has been elucidated by a comprehensive program for
characterization of enzymes and their regulation from a variety of plant and
microbial organisms over a period of 40 years. These include broad-specificity enzymes utilizing both
prephenate and L-arogenate (cyclohexadienyl dehydrogenase and cyclohexadienyl
dehydratase), as well as narrow-specificity enzymes utilizing only L-arogenate or only prephenate.