16S rRNA Phylogenetic Tree Builder
The 16S rRNA sequences used here are globally aligned sequences downloaded from the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP)
at the Michigan State University. The current version (Release 9.37) of RDP database used here contains 210,059 16S rRNAs. However, many of them are from multiple strains of the same species or
environmental isolates. For the purpose of generating a species tree and also given the size of RDP database, we have chosen only one sequence (from either the Type strain or the longest sequence
if no Type strain present and is ≥1,200 bp) for each unique species.
Proceed to build phylogenetic trees using RDP globally-aligned 16S rRNA sequences
You can get globally-aligned 16S rRNA sequences to generate your own phylogenetic trees using other tools (e.g.,
PAUP). Also, because Maximum Likehood (ML) method is extremely time-consuming (often taking days
or months), it is not supported by this tool. However, you can download the sequences of interest here and use them
to generate ML trees on your own computer.
Download gloabally-aligned 16S rRNA sequences for generating your trees using other tools