Probable tyrA Pseudogenes
Organism | Acronym | Taxon Group | tyrA is the Pseudogene |
Fusion with tyrA is the Pseudogene |
Gene Sequence Problem | gi Number |
FIG Number in The SEED |
Blochmannia pennsylvanicus (Candidatus) | Bpen | lower-Gammaproteobacteria | aroHI•NADtyrAc | QP for HP, poss. indels | 71891965 | fig|291272.3.peg.33 | |
Desulfotalea psychrophila LSv54• | Dpsy | Deltaproteobacteria | pheAIp•ACT• NADPtyrAx | indel (-); no DxxxSxK, HN for HP | 51246127 | fig|177439.1.peg.2275 | |
Leuconostoc mesenteroides• | Lmes | Firmicutes; Lactobacillales | NADtyrAx | HA for HP, no ACT domain | 23023755 | fig|203120.1.peg.1986 | |
Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola• | Psyr_4 | upper-Gammaproteobacteria | NADtyrAc•aroF | aroF interupted | 71733961 | fig|264730.3.peg.3820 | |
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae | Psyr_2 | upper-Gammaproteobacteria | NADtyrAc•aroF | Truncated aroF 5' end | 23472130 | fig|205918.4.peg.4081 | |
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato | Psyr_3 | upper-Gammaproteobacteria | NADtyrAc•aroF | Both ends of aroF interrupted | 28868954 | fig|223283.1.peg.1711 | |
Streptococcus mitis NCTC 12261 | Smit | Firmicute; Bacilli | NAD(P)tyrAp | One of 2 tyrA, truncated 3' end | NA | fig|246201.1.peg.716 |